Wie geht es weiter, Lenka Balounová?
A xeno-magic prophecy read from the constellation of my browser tabs

22. März 2021 • Text von

Krisenmanagement als Rollenspiel – Lenka Balounová kämpft sich durch offene Browser-Tabs und erschließt sich dabei neue Wege in die Zukunft: Was, wenn wir etwas wagen, nie mehr zu Altgewohntem zurückkehren und stattdessen in ganz neue Rollen schlüpfen?

Ein Sperrbildschirm mit Wüstenhintergrund. Als Profilbild zu sehen: das verzerrte Gesicht von Lenka Balounová.
Courtesy of Lenka Balounová.

While aimlessly browsing in the sea of data, the title of a post from one of the “artwhateverblogs” stuck in my mind. It went something like this: Is art a language we can learn but also unlearn?

So, I thought about how this distance from large exhibition projects such as biennales and speculative exhibitions and the absence superstar curators’ dictation of trends can influence our work and perception of art. What if the old language of art is now disappearing more quickly, and the new language is accelerating, not only with the invention of new “posts-” and “-isms”? What if we don’t have to go back to our old roles, but instead we can create a whole new and fantastics ones?

In role-playing games, we assume a role that we must master in order to move forward – we learn new skills and spells, acquire better magical armor, and complete difficult quests. Many of these things can be likened to artistic practice. Each artist begins with their specific attributes, learns new approaches, uses different materials for each project, and addresses new topics.

BCAA system “SWAMP of Birdth”. Courtesy of SoundCloud. // Štěpán Brož “#offline”. Courtesy of the artis. // 1. 3. 2021 in Prague. Courtesy of Lenka’s cellphone.

Some approaches, such as that of David Krňanský, may resemble a barbarian’s battle trance. Or on the other hand we have the playful, funny works of bards like Alžběta Krňaská. Other artists, like Sebastian Burger, are like illusionists seeking to reproduce reality, while enchanters, such as Louisa Gagliardi or Štěpán Br, bring us strange, surreal, poetic, and imaginative art. One can also find engaged art by rogues like Tomáš Roubal or the earth magic and wooden idols of Eliška Konečná.

Although it can often be unfair and dangerous, and our chances may seem miniscule, I wish you to play this game with all your heart, to get through the crisis – so that through crisis we can create something new and better.

Sending you magic spells for shady days,

Lenka Balounová, the witch with druid skills from Berlinskej model

“How To Unlearn What You Have Learned” Pagigng Dr. NerdLove. Courtesy of Google.

on “Xeno-magic”
on “Is art a language we can learn but also unlearn?”
on “role-playing games”

Lenka Balounová ist Künstlerin, Autorin und Kuratorin. Sie betreibt gemeinsam mit Richard Bakes den großartigen Ausstellungsraum Berlinskey model in Prag. Im vergangenen Jahr hat sie uns im Rahmen des Festivals SUMO die allerbesten Kunstorte der Stadt gezeigt.

Für die Reihe „Wie geht es weiter, …?“ haben wir Künstler*innen, Kunst-Theoretiker*innen und Kulturschaffende nach ihren Ideen, Plänen und Visionen für die Kunst in und nach 2021 gefragt.

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